Another busy week
30th January 2024
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Another busy week at Pontypridd Foodbank. It started with a visit from TV channel S4C on Monday.

A reporter and camera crew filmed the operation of the foodbank and spoke with volunteers.
The foodbank contracts Citizen’s Advice to provide a few advice sessions for foodbank clients at our centre. The reporter was able to interview Alan, who gives these sessions, in Welsh for the Welsh language channel. This was carried on their news reports on Tuesday as part of their coverage on the publication of the Welsh Government’s Child Poverty Strategy for Wales.

Then on Wednesday Mandy, foodbank manager, visited the Senedd. Mandy, a colleague from Rhondda Foodbank a couple of students from USW were the guest of Joel Jones, MS for South Wales Central. Mandy said it was an enjoyable visit but also very useful in helping to better understand how the Senedd and an MS works so that our campaigning work can be more effective.
Not being allowed to rest on her laurels, Mandy was a key speaker at the Right To Food rally in Pontypridd on Saturday.

She spoke alongside Welsh football legend, Neville Southall, the manager of the Merthyr Cynon Foodbank, Beth Winter MP and speakers from the Bevan Foundation and Rhondda Cynon Taff Trades Union Council. Everyone should be able to afford to feed themselves and their family. #OurEssentials